Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hold the Onions

Oh look, another food blog.

Like the world needs more of those.  I've been blogging for a few years now, and I noticed that many of my posts concerned food.  Enough so that I decided to start this new blog which will only be about food.

I thought about it for several months, and my food related blog post ideas piled up.  You'll see that I will be posting rather often here at the start.  I just hope that I don't let my other blog go fallow.

Now, there are a few things you should know, here at the start. 
  • I live in Austin, Texas, and I don't travel much, so if I review restaurants, they will almost always be in the Austin Area.
  • I don't make a lot of money.  Why is that important?  Because you won't see many, possible even as few as zero, reviews of fancy restaurants. 
So, why "Hold the Onions"?  Well, that's simple.  I don't like them.  Now, I should explain more, because It isn't really onion flavor that I dislike.  It's the texture.  Okay, sometimes it is the flavor, but only when it is unusually strong.  Onions in quiche is something I cannot abide, but mostly because of someone who filled a quiche with so many onions that even the egg tasted like onion.

But, that is a story for another time.

For now, you should know that I love to eat, and I enjoy writing about it.  I am not a gourmet, but a gourmand.  And yes, I spent time in France, and I speak the language fluently, and I know the difference.  I love to eat, and not little bits of nothing on huge plates, but big slabs of pizza, on a napkin.  I'd rather eat barbeque than chateaubriand.

But, two big things that I brought back from France is a love of good bread, and good cheese (I'd have added the wine, except I don't drink)  and I'll be proving it in the weeks ahead.

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