Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Original Brooklyn Pie Co.

Original Brooklyn Pie Co.
8127 Mesa Dr.  B-202
Austin, TX 78759

I was out one day wandering, which I tend to do in my car, when I say this near a burger place that I intend to review sometime in the future.  It's in a strip mall, which isn't always great, but you never know, so in I went.

It's a small restaurant, not pretentious, but not bad, very casual.  I arrived after 1pm and they were doing a steady business without being full.  They have wireless, but they also have a network key that is 26 characters long.  That seemed a bit much and the waiter had to bring it to me on a piece of paper.

I ordered a slice, but it was a really big slice, about 1/4 of a large pizza.  With one topping, a drink and tax it came out to $7.08.  How do I say this without making it sound like I thought it was too expensive?  I don't consider that a budget price, but it was okay.  It was less than a most places for a sandwich, chips and a drink.

I chose Italian Sausage for my topping, but it turned out to be sweet, and I really prefer hot.  I could have gotten pepperoni and saved nearly a dollar, but I think that was the deal of the day.  It's a thin crispy crust, with plenty of toppings, but do yourself a favor and grab a knife and fork.  You may not want to eat your pizza that way, but it would take the skills of a native New Yorker to fold that giant slice.  The crust is foldable in the best New York tradition.

Actually, I should point out that I have never been to New York, and I don't know any New Yorkers, so I do not really know what a New York pizza should be like, and I have never eaten one that I could verify was authentic New York pizza.  Everything I know comes from TV.  Based on that information, this seems pretty authentic to the New York pizza tradition....but, I don't know for sure.

The pizza was very hot when brought to my table and it was very good.  It wasn't a drippy pizza, all the parts of the pizza could be tasted, nothing got lost in the mix.

The Original Brooklyn Pie Co. is a little out of the way, up on Mesa Dr.  It seems more like a neighborhood pizza place, which may fit very well with the New York tradition.  I cannot say that I would drive out of my way if I were hungry for pizza, at least not just to get to the Original Brooklyn Pie Co., but it is good, and if you want a place with a nice, casual, neighborhood feel, and good pizza, you could do much worse than the Original Brooklyn Pie Co.

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