Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Great Austin Burger Hunt - Wally's Burger Express

Wally's Burger Express
8107 Mesa Dr, Austin, TX
(512) 345-7441

They are not off to a good start.  The first thing was trying to get the burger out from under the fries, and there was so much juice coming out of the burger that it burned me.  The meat patty is so hot that it burned my mouth.  It was blistering hot, in the way that I associate with a microwave oven.  I find it hard to believe that anything came off a cooking grill, got put into a burger and arrived at my table that hot.  The bottom bun is completely soggy.  The lettuce is mostly overly thick and chewy sections of the leaf, and because of the heat of the burger it was basically soggy before it reached me.  Minutes after arriving at my table, it is still very hot.  Everything about this burger points to the key word in the name being express, rather than burger. 

The taste of the burger is okay, but there is nothing here to rave about. The meat tastes like meat, but there is little or no spice on the burger.  The bun is a complete loss, basic plain white bun, tasteless, and it was soggy when it arrived and went downhill from there.  I finally pulled the lettuce, and again it was terribly hot, and the lettuce was a complete loss, adding nothing positive to the burger and going soggy before more than a bite or two could be taken from the burger.

The fries are okay.  They are very basic fries, hot, crispy, tasty and they seem to have pretty good legs. 

Nothing special on the drink front.  They have Diet Dr. Pepper, but not Coke Zero.

The restaurant is pretty common burger place, a step above McDonalds, but only one step.  Of course, the fly that hovered about through about half of my meal did not help.

And now to the last problem with Wally's Burger Express.  A half pound burger, with small fries and a small drink was over nine dollars.  That is pushing up into premium burger territory for something is no where near a premium burger.  I would add Wally's to my Not Again list, but they do make a good chili dog and I might be back for that.

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