Thursday, June 14, 2012


So, I've been making chili for a while, but I use Wick Fowlers seasoning mix.  All three of us in my family like it.  I make it a little differently, after a suggestion my wife made, and I put canned corn in it.  The recipe calls for beans and beef, but the corn gives an interesting texture and both my son and I love corn. 

When I was younger I always ate chili with Saltines.  I don't know if that was just a California thing, or just something I picked up along the way, but it's good.  Later, I got introduced to Frito Pie, and I have never been the same.  I used to go to an annual gathering and someone started a tradition of making chili one night of the weeklong event.  At first, he would buy Fritos, but after a few years, the Chili Night grew so large that he needed to try to save money...since it was done gratis, with donations accepted.  So, one year he bought Tortilla Chips, because they were cheaper in bulk.  I made do with Tortilla Chips that year, and the next year I brought my own Fritos.  Recently, we got a deal on Mexican Cornbread mix and we tried that with Chili, and that is excellent as well.  Of course, I love cornbread so much that I think I could enjoy it with almost anything. 

I have been living in Texas for more than three decades, and Texans feel like they own Chili.  While driving through Cincinnati I noticed billboards for restaurants touting their Chili, and showing it served over Spaghetti.  Now, to a Texan that would similar to heresy...well, both Cincinnati Chili and Chili over Spaghetti would seem like heresy to most Texans.  After seeing it on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, I want to try it, but I have my doubts.  Of course, I don't want to make my own and try over Spaghetti, I want to try Cincinnati Chili. 

Today, I spent some time looking at Chili recipes.  I think I am going to give Wick Fowlers a miss and try making my own chili from scratch.  Of course, it will be Chili my way, so I will Hold the Onions and use Onion Powder in it, but I am sure that I will like it even better without fresh onions.

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