Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Great Austin Burger Hunt - Stallion Grill

Stallion Grill
5201 Aiport Blvd


I have to admit that I ate my burger from Stallion Grill on the run. I'd been out doing errands on my lunch hour and saw the Stallion Grill and decided to give it a chance. I intend to go back some time and sit down for a burger at my leisure.

The combo that I got was a little odd. It isn't a big chain, so no one asked me if I wanted to upsize, and I ended up with a very small drink. Of course, that isn't the biggest problem in the world, since I didn't actually come for a soda, that is just to wash down the burger and fries.

The burger was enormous, 1/3 lb. and you get a selection of cheeses. I chose Swiss. The burger was excellent, one of the best I have had during my search and easily in the top five, possibly as high as second. The meat was well cooked, not too done, and the cheese was actually a taste, and not just a gooey mass. The only bad thing I have to say about the burger is that the bun did not impress, and yet it was still better than most fast food buns.

The fries were seasoned. They were a bit on the greasy side, but they had good legs as I drove back to work, and they provided catsup in a cup, which is a big boon for the driving diner. When are fast food restaurants going to understand that a catsup packet is worthless to someone in a car?

I was very impressed and the Stallion Grill will be getting more of my business.

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