Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Great Austin Burger Hunt - Burger King

Burger King
2700 Guadalupe

Well, the advertising worked on me...once.  Over the weekend, I saw several commercials for the Burger King Chef's Choice Burger, and that is what I decided to try.  Now, it is not too unusual considering that I write the Great Austin Burger Hunt.  Now, I often end up buying burgers while out doing something else for lunch, and that was again the case today.

I was intrigued by the description of the burger, a special blend of beef, bacon, a thick slice of American Cheese (meh) and an artisan roll.

The first problem was the lettuce.  It was leaf lettuce, but they used the base of the leaf, so that I ended up with a thick stalk, almost like having a celery stalk on the burger.  It was not appetizing, and I ended up pulling it off the burger and throwing it away.

The meat was tasty-ish.  There was nothing wrong with it, but there wasn't really anything special about it either.  It was beef, and surprisingly, the signature Burger King char-broil taste was missing.

The cheese was there, but American cheese is never much to write home about, and putting on a thicker slice, means a thicker slice of nothing much to write home about.

The bacon was limp.  By my way of thinking that makes it undercooked.  Mostly, that makes it a big non-factor in the burger.

An Artisan Roll?  Well, they may want to claim that it is an artisan roll, but I doubt an artisan would be willing to claim it.

The fries were good, better than I remember for Burger King.  They were fairly large cut and well cooked.  I also found that they had reasonable legs, so one point for the BK boys.

Having nothing to do with the burger, except that it could affect any future decision to try Burger King again, the only diet drink they had was Diet Coke.  I prefer Coke Zero or Diet Dr. Pepper.  I have been known to make restaurant choices based on beverage selection.

Conclusion?  I cannot recommend the Burger King Chef's Choice Burger.  It was a very average burger at a premium price...not a good combination.

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